The SpinDr

The SpinDr
Eliminate the guesswork.
The SpinDr, patent-pending, gives pitchers of all ages immediate visual feedback of their spins with a training tool engineered to feel and spin exactly like a full softball.
The 7oz and 10oz SpinDr are for all ages 12u+ and are used for different purposes.
10oz: The 10oz SpinDr is for all ages 12u+. The 10oz has added weight to help you train. It's best used to strengthen the fingers, wrist, and forearm to improve your spins (advanced).
7oz: The 7oz is the weight of a softball and perfect for pitchers 10u and younger learning how to spin (beginner).
Purchase The SpinDr and take your pitching to the next level because when you control your spin, you control the game!
The SpinDr is for all aspiring and developing pitchers. Whether you're in 10U and under and just getting started, or you're an elite level high school or college pitcher looking to perfect your spin, the SpinDr will take your pitching to the next level.
Whether you're a coach, parent, or team manager aiming to support your pitchers in mastering their spins, we've got you covered! Reach out to us here to inquire about exclusive bulk order discounts tailored to your needs. You must be interested in 8+ units to qualify for bulk ordering.
How to Use the SpinDr Spin Trainer
Spins to Self
Start with the ball in your throwing hand, wrist and elbow locked.
Without bending your elbow, roll the ball down your fingers to create spin.
Spins to Partner
Stand 3'-5' from your target. Start with the ball in your throwing hand, wrist and elbow locked.
Without bending your elbow, roll the ball down your fingers to create spin.
Controlled Motion Spins
Stand 10'-20' from your target. Begin in your normal pitching setup.
Pitch the SpinDr like you would a normal ball. Focus on keeping proper spin axis and spin rotation.
K-Position Spins
Stand 5'-10' from your target.
Begin in the "K" position with The SpinDr above your ear, arm straight. Glove hand will be extended, pointing towards the net or the catcher.
Bring The SpinDr down to the release point of your motion and pitch like you would normally. You can perform self-spins, spins to a partner, spins into a net, or spins against a wall.
Frequently Asked Questions
Both! If you are looking to maximize your training, then having the 7oz and 10oz will give you the opportunity to train with one that is the weight of a real ball and one that is weighted for strength development. If you're only looking to get one, then follow the following guidelines:
- The 7oz is perfect for 10U and under. It's the weight of an actual softball and is great for an introduction to spin.
- The 10oz is perfect for everyone over 10U, as it's weighted to help strengthen the fingers and wrist.
Most spin trainers feel like hockey pucks, so it's hard to simulate the actual release of a pitch and thus the real spin. Because the SpinDr feels like a real ball, you are able to get actual practice and feedback on your pitch.
As a pitcher, spin is everything. The SpinDr gives you immediate visual feedback on direction & quality of your spin so that you can continue to improve and add pitches to your arsenal.
Yes! We ship worldwide. Shipping will be calculated at checkout, but we offer free domestic shipping on all orders over $60.
Helping Pitchers Become Aces